Largest Korean and Chinese Churches in North America

(these lists were initially compiled in 2007-2010; archived from L2 Foundation)

Largest Chinese churches in North America [cached]

Let’s see what we can learn from compiling this list of very large Chinese churches in the United States and Canada. To compare apples to apples, one way to measure church size is average weekend worship attendance including children, as leading megachurch researchers use this as a base line. And, what is called “megachurch” today is a church with over 2,000 in attendance on an average weekend.

List of very large Chinese churches in the USA and Canada

Note that church size is not an indicator of anything other than size. This is not a competition. God uses churches of all sizes and styles to reach all kinds of people. By maintaining such a listing here is only a point of reference (and of research interest to some), because there are some things that are unique to running a megachurch, and there are some things that can be learned from churches like these.

[Hat tip: this list was initially compiled with help from John Ng.]

Largest Korean churches in North America [cached]

South Korea has the largest megachurch in the world: Yoido Full Gospel Church has over 253,000 in attendance on an average weekend and a membership of over 837,569One account says that 11 of the world’s 12 largest megachurches are located in Seoul, South Korea, while another report notes that the top 10 largest megachurches in the world are all outside of North America.

Let’s take a look at the largest Korean churches in the United States and Canada, churches with Korean language worship services.

List of very large Korean churches in the USA and Canada

Note that church size is not an indicator of anything other than size. By maintaining such a listing here is only a point of reference (and of research interest to some).

[Hat tip: this list was initially compiled with help from Joseph Kim and KAMR – Korean-American Ministry Resources.]